The battery was built all the way back in 1767-1780, but was first armed in 1848.
It is an open works with a 50 meter long front as well as an eastern flank of 120 meters and a western flank of approx. 25 meters.
The battery is constructed on an older earth fill carrying wooden bulbs, on the north and northeast side protected by a stone glaze and a concrete cladding.
Between the Lynetten itself and the Revshalen there is a small harbor with concrete quays and a water depth that allowed sailing into the harbor with motor torpedo boats.
The front is approx. 5 meters thick, internally lined with a 1 meter thick concrete wall.
On the area, there are 4 traverses with either ammunition magazines or storage rooms built into it. These are covered with 3-4 meters of earth and 3-4 meters of concrete.
The right flank ended in a 16-meter high traverse and an ammunition magazine with one room. This is covered by approx. 2 meters of concrete and 20 meters of earthsoil.
The battery was manned by 165 men in 1864.
The battery was in 1911 equipped with:
4 pcs. of 29 cm. long haubits M / 1891 on right flank
4 pcs. of 15 cm. long steel cannon L / 30 mounted with two on the left flank and two on the front
2 pcs. of 75 mm. Quick-firing steel cannon L / 30
3 pcs. of 47 mm. Quick-firing steel cannon L / 44 mounted with one on the left traverse and two on the
eastern flank outside the large traverse.
2 pcs. of 8 mm. Two-run mitrailleuses
1 90 cm. floodlight
1 60 cm. floodlight
A crew of approx. 180 men.